Daily Archives: February 16th, 2025

*A Tribute to Fr. Paco on his 12th Death Anniversary*

16 February 2025 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “*A Tribute to Fr. Paco on his 12th Death Anniversary*”

We are neither adrift in memories
Nor trapped by illusions
Marks this unique anniversary
A rebuilding of your efforts
Within our community of kindred spirits
Gathering us here
To honour your life’s meaningful deeds.
Your spirit lingers in every whispering leaf,
A gentle reminder that your work lives on.

The trees give LIFE
Manifestations of your will
Planted abundantly in Turkana’s soil
As apprentices in all our missions
We now tread in your footsteps
Striving towards the essence of your vision
YOUR VISION guides us
Like the sun nurturing new growth
Lighting the path for those who follow

A calling that nurtures life …
There you rest
In eternal peace, yet ever present
In every sapling, we find the echo of your dreams
A testament that your spirit endures
Rooted deeply within us all.

By Louis P. Mkweza
Junior Apprentice (MALAWI)

Special Memorial Mass for Fr. Paco and Mr. Roy Gontier

16 February 2025 Posted by MCSPA, News 0 thoughts on “Special Memorial Mass for Fr. Paco and Mr. Roy Gontier”

On 15 February all the members of Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) living in Turkana together with more than 500 faithful gathered at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle at Nariokotome Mission to commemorate the 12th death anniversary of our founder, Fr. Francisco Andreo or simply Paco as he preferred to be called.

At the same Thanksgiving Mass, the ashes of the late friend of Fr. Paco and the Community, Mr. Roy Gontier, were also blessed and inurned at the columbarium. Roy was a most able pilot who passed away on 27 June 2013. Roy did many flights for the missions and often flew Paco to Nairobi for his medical checkups. These memories and stories were shared with the congregation gathered at mass.

The event began at the church graveyard where various trees were planted. Fr. Alex Campon, assisted by Deacon Stephen Iyerio, presided at the Eucharistic celebration in the company of Fr. Joseph Ebenyo, the Chancellor of the Diocese of Lodwar, and all the MCSPA priests living in Turkana.

In his homily, Fr. Alex drew similarities between Paco and Pope Francis in their acts of compassion toward the needy and hungry, and the care for the environment. Cecilia Puig, in her tribute message, encouraged all to use every drop of water to plant trees in their homes, schools and everywhere. Mr. Derek Seton, a close friend of Roy read a brief euology and tributes from Roy’s family.

This was followed by songs, a dance and poems by students and pupils of Nariokotome Girls and St Joseph’s Primary School.

Finally, there was the blessing of the trees and all the children present were fed.

As Cecilia remarked, “Let us keep Paco in our memory until we change our dear Turkana into a garden.”


By Brian Odhiambo Nyamuok,

Nariokotome Mission

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February 2025