Monthly Archives: August, 2024


8 August 2024 Posted by education, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “JOY AND GENEROSITY, INGREDIENTS AGAINST MALNUTRITION”

A few days ago we enjoyed the annual meeting with the volunteer mothers who make possible the running of the 11 mother-child centres of Kokuselei Mission in Turkana.

Together with the team of child care agents, the MCSPA missionaries organised this training and integration meeting that boosts their child nutrition programme thanks to which, every year, more than 850 children under 6 years of age can eat twice a day. This is an important support that their parents are grateful for, as the difficult living conditions in their communities (aggravated by long droughts) do not allow them to guarantee what they need in their homes.

The meeting allowed them to share experiences, learn about child care and think together about promoting participation in each community, where they are an example of commitment and responsibility.

The joy of all these women, expressed with dances and beautiful songs during the meeting, shows their generosity and expresses our enormous gratitude to all those who make it possible that every day, hundreds of children can eat, grow up healthy and smile in this beautiful place in Africa.

By Diana Trompetero MCSPA
Kokuselei Mission (Kenya)

Remembering the Elderly

8 August 2024 Posted by MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Remembering the Elderly”

On 27 July, the feast day of Sts. Joaquim and Anne, we at Benga Mission in Malawi celebrated a special anniversary: the founding of our Centre for the Elderly.

The occasion was marked by a joyful gathering of the elderly residents of Benga and the surrounding outstations, together with the MCSPA apprentices. The celebration began with Holy Mass presided by Fr. Manuel Hernandez; Deacon Louis Kampala from the Archdiocese of Lilongwe delivered a thought-provoking homily. Deacon Louis also highlighted an aspect of the MCSPA vocation: assisting the elderly.

After Mass, the seniors took center-stage by showing their talent through a delightful drama performance and songs of appreciation for all that they have received. The day culminated in a festive lunch together when stories were shared, memories made and community bonds strengthened.

The day’s celebration was a testament to the importance of honoring and supporting our elderly in our midst.

By Agostinho Barros de Deus
Senior Apprentice,
Benga (Malawi)

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August 2024