*Escuela Ideo’s Visit to Turkana and Nyangatom*
27 July 2024 Posted by Tigist Mekonnen education, MCSPA, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “*Escuela Ideo’s Visit to Turkana and Nyangatom*”Three years ago, some members of a school in Madrid, Escuela Ideo, visited Turkana. We had the opportunity to show them our missions and schools, and from there, we began to explore forms of collaboration on how to share methodologies based on Kenya’s new curriculum. This year, we started an online pilot program focused on teacher collaboration to implement these new methods and adapt them to the reality of Turkana. This July it culminated with the visit of eight of their teachers to the four educational centers of the MCSPA in Turkana (Kenya) and one at Nyangatom (Ethiopia).
It has been truly enriching for both parties, as there has been a lot of interaction – despite the short few days – which has helped us to focus and see the reality of each center. The eight members of Escuela Ideo departed happy and motivated to continue seeking synergies to support us in our educational project.
By Maque Falgas
MCSPA Secular Branch Member
Lobur Mission (Kenya)