8 May 2024 Posted by Tigist Mekonnen Church, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “MELKAM FASIKA!”The Ethiopian Christian tradition, also known as the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, is one of the oldest Christian denominations in the world. It traces its origins to the early centuries of Christianity and has a unique heritage and practices that set it apart from other Christian traditions. One distinctive aspect is its use of the Ge’ez language in liturgical services, which adds a sense of historical continuity and cultural identity. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church also follows the teachings of the Coptic Christian Church, with a strong emphasis on monasticism, fasting, and liturgical worship.
Ethiopian Christians observe ancient traditions such as the Ark of the Covenant, which they believe is housed in the Church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum. They also have unique religious festivals, such as Timkat (Epiphany), Meskel (Finding of the True Cross), and Fasika (Easter), which are celebrated with colorful processions, prayers, and rituals.
The Ethiopian Catholic Church follows the same liturgical calendar as the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Hence, yesterday we celebrated Easter here at Nyangatom Mission. It was a colorful celebration – simple but moviing. The baptism of 29 young persons made it special. Eventhough you may have already celebrated it some time back, we still would like to wish everybody a Happy Easter, Melkam Fasika!
Fr. David Escrich, MCSPA
Prince of Peace Catholic Mission