Celebration of the life of Paco: MIZAN TEFERI MISSION
19 February 2024 Posted by Tigist Mekonnen Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the life of Paco: MIZAN TEFERI MISSION”Today, 15th of February 2024, we celebrated the 11th Death Anniversary of Fr. Francisco Andreo in the Mission of Mizan Teferi.
The celebration began with a prayer and Sarai gave a brief history of the life of Paco, founder of the MCSPA. She explained how Paco was an example for all of us in charity and generosity, highlighting the love he had for Africa.
Paco was also very insistent in planting fruit trees as a way of turning the desert into a garden. For this reason, in the morning, an activity with the children was carried out in which each child planted a papaya seed in a water bottle, committing themselves to taking care of it until it bore fruit.
In the afternoon, during the ceremony, some avocado and lemon seedlings were blessed with water from the River Jordan and one seedling was planted in the school compound. Each person added a handful of soil to this avocado plant.
Later, everyone had some tea, bread and bananas under the mango tree at the mission. The ceremony concluded with the distribution of more seedlings which the people joyfully took back to their homes.
By Amanda Falgas Apprentice
Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia.