It was with great joy to have several of our farmers graduate from the furrows in the dessert program at Lobur. They were given certificates, signed by Arava higher Institute of Agriculture – Israel and a set of basic tools for starting their farms back at home.
The Caritas coordinator of Lodwar diocese was the guest of honour, she presented the certificates to the farmers. We would like to thank Mrs. Agnes Mana the chief guest of the day, for her kindness and support.
During the celebration we were blessed by heavy rains. That was a blessing because all the farmers of SITFA who attended the graduation and held their annual General Assembly, planted 700 indigenous trees to combat climate change and improve soil erosion.
Our gratitude goes to all our supporters from Spain, Israel, Germany, U.K. and overall Kenya, the Lobur mission staff, the furrows team and the MCSPA community in Lobur mission. Thank you all for making this programme successful.
Lillian Omari